Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Saturday Snowshoe!

Hi everyone and welcome to my blog!  I've decided to finally stop dragging my heels and start posting about my adventures online.

During the weekend what was on my mind was escaping from the giant beetle and ladybug that somehow landed on my bed!  Of course I wasted no time getting the vacuum cleaner and promptly erasing them out of sight.  You see, I'm up at my Dad's place (aka the cottage) where roughing it means I must deal with things of this nature.

We just received about 10 cm of snow in the past few days.  It was my Mom's idea to pack my snowshoes since we usually get tons more snow in Malagash than in the city.  But of course I packed everything but my hat and mitts so I'll have to wear my other stuff.  And here I thought I was getting good at packing!  I think I'll start in the yard and go through the woods to one of our neighbors spots.  Of course I'm without my usual snowshoe partner Reilly this weekend who would have enjoyed this adventure immensely!

It was a perfect sunny day out, crisp air with barely any wind.  The snow was packed softly and I could make tracks without sinking in the snow.  As I walked towards the bank, I could see parallel tracks.  Thinking it was the tracks of a vehicle I called Dad out to see, but it was just snowmobile tracks.  After I looped around the bushes to our neighbors, I decided to go down to the beach. I only noticed one sandy patch and an open stretch down the beach.

After all that  snowshoeing it was time to warm up with some green tea and my copy of 'The Harem Midwife' for bookclub.  Time to get reading!

Later that night Dad and I made Shepherd's Pie for supper.  Yumm-o!!

How was your weekend? 
Did you get out to enjoy the snow?

1 comment:

  1. Yum! I love Sheppard's Pie. :D I love the title of the blog too. I'm looking forward to reading your posts.
    Heather :)
